Friday, May 1, 2009

April 23, 2009

Systema Blog
Eastside Systema NW School

KAIZEN TAKI - Instructor Kaizen (at) SystemaNW (dot) com

13410 SE 32nd St.

Bellevue, WA 98005

(At Aikido Eastside)

April 23, 2009

As group stand back to back, link arms. Squat down together, lie down together on backs. 2 people attempt to lie on stomachs, with arms still linked. Stand back up. 1/2 group lies belly down (arms still linked), so that other half is lying belly up, making a sort of wheel of people on the ground. Begin to roll as a group (people facing belly up will start to roll over so they are belly down and vice versa - arms still linked). Rotate wheel other direction. Stand back up.

2 people stand side by side, 2 more people (depending on size of group) stand side by side behind other two, but slight off center. Rest of group slips one by one through space between two people standing side by side, trying to use as little force as possible. Rotate so that everyone has chance to go through.

Everyone wrestles a partner. One person in group of wrestling pairs commands group to move right and everyone begins wrestling whoever is on their right, switching partners. Person continues to command group right or left after 30-45 seconds. Person then commands for everyone to wrestle anyone, then back to commands of left/right. Person commands for everyone to close their eyes, continuing to wrestle. Commands of left/right/everyone, with peoples eyes still closed and wrestling.

Partner up. One person get in push up position, but with spread legs and arms. Other person begins to move under partner, weaving in and out of the spaces between their partners planted limbs. Partner on all fours begins to move slowly, maintaining push up-like position - partner still slithering under, keeping movement constant. Person in push up-like position begins to move faster, attempting to make it more difficult for partner to keep up moving under her. Switch postions.

2 people stand, everyone else lies flat back on ground, close to eachother in mass. Standing people walk over prostrate people, stepping in the open spaces where there aren't body parts. Walking people should focus on the whole group, rather than the isolated places to step, looking up as much as possible instead of down at the ground. People on the ground pay attention to how it feels when walkers step by you. Rotate to that everyone has chance to walk.
Once everyone has rotated through, two people walk, now stepping on prostrate people - below and above joints (so, NOT knees, elbows, ankles, wrists, shoulders, ribs, hips). When stepping on people, only using either heel or toe, other part of foot should be on ground. Walkers still attempt to not look down, feel around with feet. While people walking, weapon (something small resembling gun or knife) is passed along people lying on ground. People on ground pass weapon while still lying down, moving body - besides hands and arms - minimally. Walkers should pay attention to where weapon is, stepping on it or arm in possession of it, whenever they happen to be near. After a minute of this, walkers begin to hunt weapon down (if large group, can throw in another weapon), attempting to prevent the weapon from being passed. Rotate people to everyone has chance to walk.
Once everyone has rotated through, two people begin to walk. People on ground are still passing weapon, but now are moving - staying as close to the ground as possible and staying together as group. Walking people step on weapon, whenever they happen to be near it. After a minute or so, walkers begin to hunt weapon. Walkers attempt to work together as should people on ground. Rotate so everyone has chance to walk.

2 people on ground, everyone else walking aimlessly, staying somewhat close together. People on ground avoid walkers, keeping movement low to ground (rolls, slithering, crawling, etc..). When walkers are near people on ground, should step on them or push them around (with feet) if they get the chance - ground people avoid this. A weapon (something small resembling gun or knife) begins to be passed between ground people, walkers should step on weapon or arm when happen to be near. Walkers begin to hunt down weapon, preventing it from being passed, working together. Rotate so that everyone has chance to be on ground.

Group lies belly down on ground, overlapping eachother. Everyone gets into push up position, either feet or hands must be placed on a person. Complete 5 push ups as group, down together - up together. Lie back down and roll over onto your backs, maintaining same position intertwined with group. Every 45 seconds group begins to unweave themselves from one another, breathing, until everyone is lying alone.

Everyone gets into pushup position. Starting with hands and arms moving them in the direction of the joints - forward, backward, sideways - while maintaining the same amount of weight on each part of the body (rolling hands, elbows, shoulds) Now move into legs - still in push up position - repeating the same movements.

April 21, 2009

Systema Blog
Eastside Systema NW School

KAIZEN TAKI - Instructor Kaizen (at) SystemaNW (dot) com

13410 SE 32nd St.

Bellevue, WA 98005

(At Aikido Eastside)

April 21, 2009

Partner up (in pairs of two?) with one fake knife, toss back and forth. (Not imperative to catch by butt of knife, exercise more to familiarize self with knife). Start to walk around while still tossing. Lie down and stand back up while still tossing knife.

Groups of 3. One person stands still with other two on either side of her. People on sides place hands on middle person's head and do push up (using each others force and weight to ballence on another). Side people continue doing push ups down middle person's body (head, neck, shoulder, ribs, hip, thigh, shin, ankle and back up body). This should be done on both front/back and sides of middle person's body. Rotate so that every person in group has chance to be middle person.

With a partner get in push up position side by side. Lift your inside arm to meet your partner's (one person makes fist and other has open palm) so that your weight is being balanced between hand on ground and hand pushing into partner's. Complete 3 full push ups synchronized with partner. Switch sides.

Stand face to face with partner. Place both partners' left or right hands on forehead of partner, step back from one another and lean in, supporting eachother's weight through the forehead/hand contact. One person, with their free hand, uses knife to stab partner. Defending partner moves body to avoid knife, while maintaining contact with partner's forehead and the balance of weight between both people. Switch who wields knife.

Stand face to face with partner. Bow so that the tops of both your heads meet. Step back and lean into partner, so that weight is being pushed into partners head. One person stabs at partner with knife. Defender disarms partner once knife contacts body, while moving his body to also avoid receiving stab in first place. As defender, disarm keeping knife close to your body and correcting stance from any contortion made in order to avoid stabbing. Maintain contact between heads and weight balance (avoid moving feet). Repeat exercise with bodies facing in all directions (bowing towards ground, facing left, facing towards sky, facing right).

Stand face to face with partner. Make one hand fist and other open palm - partner does also, with same hands. Place your fist in partners palm, palm in partner's fist, out in front of you. Step back from eachother, maintain contact and lean in. Both people begin to rotate bodies together (facing eachother, facing side, facing sky, facing side, facing eachother again), while maintaining contact and weight balanced between you. Rotate in other direction and switch palm/fist hand. Complete same exercise, but with both peoples' hands in two fists, instead of palm/fist.

Groups of 3 people. Hold one knife in middle of group. Each person takes right or left hand (works better if everyone is using same arm) and holds part of knife with 3 or 4 fingers. Everyone leans back and lets their weight balance out the two other peoples'. Arms in contact with knife are bent at right angle, with body still leaning back. Other inactive arm is relaxed and limp. On a 5 count, whole group squats together and back up on another 5 count. Repeat with 10 and 15 counts, while using inactive arm to punch at others in group. Avoid punched by moving body but maintaining contact with knife and balanced weight with rest of group. Repeat whole exercise switching hand in contact with knife.

One partner stabs other partner with knife anywhere on body. Defender receives stab until body cannot bear pressure and must move in direction knife requires it to. Let your body respond fluidly to the pressure of the knife, repeat stabbing areas as to build your body's instinctual response.

With partner, stab defender with knife. Defender responds to stabbing moving body accordingly, takes opponents hand with knife and locks her hand in an L shape in relation to the forearm (bending with the wrist - finger tips pointing down). Defender returns to neutral position, disarming partner and repeating the exercise on him. Continue exercise while moving around room. Add another person + knife (two stabbers on one defender).

Stand with partner directly behind you. Person in back slowly stabs with knife at anywhere on the body of the person in front of them. Defender (person in front) responds to slowly building pressure of knife by moving body accordingly. Stabber hastens pace of stabbings. Defender must respond more attentively to pressure building quicker, but also must remember to move body fluidly, rather than jerking away abruptly. Continue exercise while both partners are walking around room. Switch person who wields knife.

One person lies down with back on ground. Four other people grab each limb of person on ground. Each person with limb pulls up together, raising and lowering prostrate person. Once enough momentum is gained, raise the person and let go, tossing them into the air (one two three count?). Tossed person attempts to land on feet. Excercise is repeated tossing person lying down to both sides (left and right), head first and feet first. Rotate so that everyone has chanced to be thrown.